Market WyoAIDS
Thank you for helping spread the word about wyoming aids assistance!
Promote WyoAIDS!
Below you’ll find some marketing materials, promotional text, and some other fun stuff!
Wyoming AIDS Assistance
Below you’ll find various sizes, colors, and versions of the WyoAIDS logo. Beginning with the logo and text, with a transparent background.
Red Logo with White Border and Transparent Background
- Red Logo, White Border, Transparent @2134×4940
- Red Logo, White Border, Transparent @1601×368
- Red Logo, White Border, Transparent @1067×245
- Red Logo, White Border, Transparent @704×162
- Red Logo, White Border, Transparent @64×147
- Red Logo, White Border, Transparent @534×123
Red Logo with Transparent Background
- Logo Red, Transparent @640×147
- Logo Red, Transparent @704×162
- Logo Red, Transparent @1067×24
- Logo Red, Transparent @1601×368
- Logo Red, Transparent @2134×490
White Logo with Red Border and Transparent Background
- White Logo, Red Border, Transparent @2134×490
- White Logo, Red Border, Transparent @1601×368
- White Logo, Red Border, Transparent @1067×245
- White Logo, Red Border, Transparent @704×162
- White Logo, Red Border, Transparent @640×147
- White Logo, Red Border, Transparent @534×123
Red Logo without Text, Transparent Background
- Logo Red, No Text, Transparent @144×144
- Logo Red, No Text, Transparent @152×152
- Logo Red, No Text, Transparent @300×183
White Logo without Text, Transparent Background
The Stilettos!
Below you’ll find the Stilettos logo, as well as pictures and illustrations of the queens!